Green Basics

Green Basics

Most of my green smoothies include pineapple, cilantro and kale. With enough coconut water to make the blender actually blend these are my staple ingredients. Frozen pineapple is one of my great joys in blending.

SAMSUNGThis simple combination, (I refuse to use the much overused “trifecta”) seems to compliment the broadest range of fruits, greens or veggies. Because the pineapple and cilantro are such strong flavors I can include summer squash, zucchini, broccoli sprouts, maca powder, spirulina powder and any number of other ingredients I wouldn’t want to drink by themselves.

I also include aloe vera spears. This smoothie is pictured in front of aloe that doesn’t need to be filleted. It’s soft enough that I can cut off a decent sized chunk and toss it in the blender. Delicious!

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