Blueberry/Broccoli Smoothie with Peaches and Shiso

Blueberry/Broccoli Smoothie with Peaches and Shiso

This year April showers brought nothing but May showers and I wasn’t that motivated to make smoothies in the cold and rain. But after the long wet winter everything is in bloom and it’s back to daily smoothies.

Today we went to Johnson Brothers Farm and got starts for my mom’s garden – heirloom tomatoes, baby bak choi, spinach, shiso greens and peppers.

Their neighbor started her garden much earlier and had a bumper crop of broccoli, cabbage and peas. And every few days she’s been leaving a bag or two on their doorstep.

So in a woefully overcompensating move I decided to make a blueberry/broccoli smoothie that I wound up chewing. Despite adding four clementine oranges, two peaches smuggled here from my friend’s parents’ orchard in Florida and fresh stevia it was still not the refreshing summer-in-a-glass I had envisioned.

But we finished all of it and I learned that the blueberry-to-broccoli floret ratio needs to be much higher.
