Zucchini/Kiwi Green Smoothie

Zucchini/Kiwi Green Smoothie

Zucchini and kiwiOne of my favorite things to do is hide vegetables in fruit smoothies. An easy addition that doesn’t drastically change the flavor is zucchini. A favorite for gardeners, a lot of people seem to forget how prolific one plant can be and wind up bringing their abundant harvest to their workplaces, hoping someone will take it all home and make zucchini bread. I chop it up, freeze the zucchini chunks and add a handful to green smoothies with tropical fruits like pineapple and kiwi.

It adds a great boost of Vitamin A and flavonoids like carotenes, lutein and zea-xanthin. “These compounds help scavenge harmful oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the body that play a role in aging and various disease processes,” according to Nutrition and You.


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